At Lollypop Creek Primary School, we aim to maximise student learning opportunities and performance through regular school attendance, without unnecessary absences.
Education is a sequential process. Absences often mean children miss important stages in the development of topics resulting in missed learning opportunities. Children learn best when they attend school every day. This gives them the best chance of achieving academic success, making friends and enjoying the wide range of school programs and activities we offer at Lollypop Creek Primary School.
It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure regular attendance.
Lollypop Creek Primary School uses COMPASS to record student attendance.
Teachers mark the class attendance roll first thing in the morning and again immediately after lunch.
Recording of student absences is a legal requirement from the Department of Education. Unexplained or continual absences will be followed up by a school staff memeber. ALL absences are recorded on student reports.
Please refer to the Student Engagement Policy for more information.
Late Arrivals
School gates open at 8.15am with students entering the classroom at 8.30am.
All children will be marked LATE if they enter class after 8.40am.
Parents/carers are encouraged to submit their childs absence via COMPASS or alternatively, by phoning the School Office on 8000 6007.
All children arriving after 8.40am must report to the School Office and sign in via COMPASS and collect a 'Late Pass' to be handed to their teacher.
Parents/carers will recieve an automated “Unexplained Absence” email from the school all absences not recorded on COMPASS before 9.15am.
Early Departure
All parents/carers who need to collect their child early from school, must report to School Office to sign their child out via COMPASS and collects an ‘Early Leavers Pass’ to be handed to their child's teacher.
NO child can be collected early from school unless:
They are signed out at the School Office by either a parent/carer or one of their nominated emergency contacts and collects an 'Early Leaver Pass'.
The parent/carer or nominated emergency contact hands an 'Early Leavers Pass' to the classroom teacher.